Local Events

NOTE: Please check all venue websites for updated information.

March 13
The contemporary Christian music artists perform their Worldwide Revival Night Tour with special guest Amanda Nolan. 7 p.m. $29-$79. thecenterofcc.com

Off the Wall and Onto the Stage
Miller Theater
The South Carolina Ballet brings Gullah-inspired paintings by Jonathan Green to life on stage. 7:30 p.m. $39-$79. millertheateraugusta.com

March 14
Joye in Aiken
Various venues
Performing arts festival in Aiken features musicians, dancers and actors primarily from The Juilliard School. Costs and venues vary. joyeinaiken.com

March 15
Wesley Mega Yard Sale
Wesley United Methodist Church
Sale includes furniture, clothes, books, household items, toys, tools and more. All proceeds benefit local and foreign missions. 7 a.m.-noon, rain or shine. 825 North Belair Road, Evans. wesleyumc.net

Run the Runway 5K
Augusta Regional Airport
Course starts on Lock and Dam Road, winds through the park and moves to the runway and taxiway. $30 adults; $25 ages 8-12; $10 ages 7 and under. Runner check-in begins 7 a.m. and race starts 8 a.m. flyags.com

Roast on the River
Riverfront Drive, Downtown Augusta
Fundraising event features fresh Bluffton oysters, Lowcountry boil, barbecue, grits bar, bonfire with s’mores, music, raffle, local libations and games at the Savannah Riverkeeper Headquarters. 6 p.m. Various price options. savannahriverkeeper.org

Marty Stuart & His Fabulous Superlatives
Miller Theater
The Country Music Hall of Famer, five-time Grammy-winner and AMA Lifetime Achievement honoree performs at 7:30 p.m. $44-$64. millertheateraugusta.com

March 15, 22, 29
Aiken Triple Crown
Various venues
Equestrian showmanship includes the Trials (3/15), Steeplechase (3/22) and Pacers and Polo (3/29). Prices and hours vary by event. aikentrainingtrack.com, aikensteeplechase.com, usca.edu

March 15, 22, 29, April 5
Evans Market
Market Pavilion
Weekly market features local artisans, farmers, producers and vendors. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. columbiacountyga.gov

St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Downtown Augusta
Presented by the Irish American Heritage Society. Parade begins at 2 p.m. Route available on website. Free. iahsaugusta.com

March 18
Joe Bonamassa
The blues rock guitarist, singer and songwriter performs new songs and hits from his career. 8 p.m. $63-$183. thecenterofcc.com

Tuesday’s Music Live
Saint Paul’s Church
Featured performers are Arpeggione Duo (3/18). Noon. Free. tuesdaysmusiclive.com

March 20
Dave Mason
Miller Theater
The musician and singer performs his Traffic Jam Live tour at 7:30 p.m. $39-$104. millertheateraugusta.com

March 21
Food Truck Friday
Gateway Park
Evening features live music, food trucks, drinks and family fun. 6-9 p.m. Free admission. columbiacountyga.gov

March 21-May 24
The Story of Noah
Flowing Wells Theatre
Enopion Theatre Company’s custom production follows the lives and trials of Noah and his family with laughter and tears as they trust God while dealing with lots of water, animals and family time. enopion.com

March 22
Augusta Invitational Regatta
Langley Pond
Rowing event with open, college and junior categories features a multi-lane, 2000-meter sprint race. augustarowingclub.org

ZZ Top
Bell Auditorium
The blues-rock musicians perform The Elevation Tour at 7:30 p.m. augustaentertainmentcomplex.com

Ryan Abel & Friends
Miller Theater
Back to the ’90s concert features music from bands like Gin Blossoms, Alan Jackson, Counting Crows, Shania Twain, R.E.M, Third Eye Blind and more. All proceeds benefit Junior League of Augusta. 7 p.m. $35-$60. millertheateraugusta.com

March 24
Fairway to a Fresh Start
The River Club
Fundraiser for Recovery Vow, a nonprofit that supports people affected by addiction, includes lunch, live music by Rhett Walker, silent auction, door prizes and closest-to-the-pin shootout. 9 a.m. Registration deadline is March 11. recoveryvow.com

March 27
Aaron Lewis and the Stateliners
Bell Auditorium
The country music artists perform their American As It Gets Tour at 7:30 p.m. augustaentertainmentcomplex.com

March 28
Heart Walk
SRP Park
Fundraiser to help prevent and treat heart disease and stroke is a 5K non-competitive event. Strollers and leashed dogs allowed. Individuals and teams welcome; register online. csraheartwalk.org

March 29
Augusta Ballet performs a custom ballet based upon the C.S. Lewis children’s classic, “The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe.” 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. columbiacountyballet.com

Columbia County Cultural Festival
Evans Towne Center Park
Inaugural festival will showcase different cultures through food, music, dance, arts and more. 3-7 p.m. Free admission. columbiacountyga.gov

Augusta Symphony – Sounds from the East
Miller Theater
The symphony performs selections from Mozart, Saint Saens, Say and Rimsky Korsakov with acclaimed pianist Adam Golka. 7:30 p.m. millertheateraugusta.com

April 8 – ? – no announcements out yet
Rock Fore! Dough
Evans Towne Center Park
Annual Masters Week concert features xxx, xxx, xxx. General admission, pit passes and VIP tables available. Food and beverage vendors available. See website for lineup announcements. Benefits First Tee – Augusta. 5 p.m. Doors open 4 p.m. rockforedough.com

To have your event considered for publication, please submit materials to info@columbiacountymag.com. All listings require a two-month lead time.