A Pirate’s Life for You


pirate stickerDo you feel out of place in that computer-filled office, stifled in that suburban neighborhood? Know you were really meant for a rollicking life of adventure on the high seas, lying in wait for schooners overloaded with booty? Your time has almost come, matey. Talk Like a Pirate Day (TLAPD for short) is just over the horizon.

The buccaneer holiday, celebrated on September 19, is the day that landlubbers everywhere can finally cut loose and let their inner scallywag shine. Expressions like Yo-ho-ho!, Sink Me! and Shiver Me Timbers! will be gliding off the lips of normally staid professionals, while the truly fanatical will be sprouting more obscure terms like Dance the Hempen Jig (to hang) and Splice the Main Brace (have a few drinks).

If you want to expand your Salty Dog lingo, books are numerous, including The Pirate Dictionary and Pirattitude (written by the two friends who invented TLAPD), which guarantees that you’ll be pirate-savvy faster than you can say Walk the Plank. Or just dip into their website, talklikeapirate.com. If you want to spice up your day but you’re not ready to go all out, try sprinkling your sentences with the occasional Ahoy, Arrr or Har-har-har. That should get the job done, me hearty.