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Wonderful Christmastime


Joan-Ellison-3x3Augusta Symphony brings the community two new yuletide concerts
The only thing better than one holiday concert is two holiday concerts, and Augusta Symphony is offering music fans a double dose of yuletide tunes this month.

The first show, Augusta Symphony Holiday Spectacular, will begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, December 6 at the Miller Theater.

In this inaugural holiday concert, the symphony will perform with the Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School Chorale and Joan Ellison, who specializes in reviving Judy Garland’s repertoire from the golden Hollywood years to her Carnegie Hall concert and television show.

“It’ll be really fun to perform with these great artists,” says Dirk Meyer, the symphony’s music director. “Joan is a truly outstanding performer, and I am also looking forward to working with the exceptional chorus from Davidson.”

The concert will include holiday favorites ranging from “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)” to tunes from Home Alone and It’s a Wonderful Life. Tickets range from $36 – $100.

The second concert, Family Holiday Spectacular, will begin at 4 p.m. Sunday, December 9 at Hardin Performing Arts Center. This one-hour concert, the first of two family concerts in Columbia County, is part of a new series designed to introduce children to the symphony. 

“Introducing children to symphonic music at a young age is a wonderful opportunity to instill a love of music, art and culture in them,” Meyer says. “It sets them off for a lifetime of enjoyment of this amazing art form.” 

The family program will feature highlights such as Polar Express, It’s a Wonderful Life and “Chestnuts.” Tickets are $30 for adults and $10 for students. Tickets for the Columbia County series, which also includes Peter & the Wolf on March 24, are $52 for adults and $20 for students. 

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit augustasymphony.com.

Holiday Magic


CarolersHave yourself a merry little Christmas at Evans Towne Center Park

Local residents can celebrate Christmas in Columbia County with lots of lights, cameras and action. From Friday, November 30 through Tuesday, January 1 Evans Towne Center Park will be filled with lighted Christmas trees, animated light displays and a Holiday Market where children can be photographed with Santa.

The festivities will begin with a sneak peek at the lights on November 30 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m., where visitors will see the new, LED-programmable, 46-foot tree this year as well as a 1,000-foot white light tunnel.

Other attractions include an animated 12 Days of Christmas display, gingerbread houses, Santa’s sleigh with reindeer, lighted toy soldiers, musical nutcrackers, a caroling family, Santa on a golf car, a waving snowman, elves, Peanuts characters and a multi-colored light tunnel.

Sparkle Express train rides will be available near the playground, and special activities include a scavenger hunt and movie nights. Free photos with Santa will be available at the Holiday Market on Saturdays, December 1, 8 and 15. 

If You Go:
Friday, November 30
Sneak Peek 6 – 8 p.m.

Saturday, December 1 – Tuesday, January 1
Light Display 5 – 10 p.m.

Saturday, December 1
Tree Lighting with Holiday Market and Santa 2 – 6 p.m. 

Thursday, December 6
Holiday Market 4 – 8 p.m.

Friday, December 7
Holiday Market and Movie Night 6 – 9 p.m.

Saturday, December 8
Holiday Market and Santa 2 – 6 p.m. 

Thursday, December 13
Holiday Market 4 – 8 p.m.

Friday, December 14
Holiday Market and Movie Night 6 – 9 p.m. 

Saturday, December 15
Holiday Market and Santa 2 – 6 p.m.

2018 County Fair Schedule


Candy-applesThe Columbia County Fair kicks off November 1 with new attractions that include Jurassic Kingdom, Banana Derby and ZEGA the Robot. Proceeds benefit area charities and provide scholarships to seniors from each Columbia County public high school. For more information, visit columbiacountyfair.net.

Thursday, November 1
Hours: 4-11 p.m.

Admission: $7; free admission 4-4:45 p.m.

Unlimited Rides: $20

FFA Judging: 6 p.m.

Musical Entertainment: Elvis tribute artist Jason Sikes – 7 p.m.

Friday, November 2
Hours: 5 p.m. – midnight

Admission: $7

Unlimited Rides: $20 from 9 p.m.-midnight

Musical Entertainment: Love & the Outcome

Senior Night: $5 admission for adults 55 and older with ID card

Saturday, November 3
Hours: 11 a.m. – midnight

Admission: $7

Unlimited Rides: Buy unlimited ride stamp 11 a.m.-3 p.m. for $30 and use it all day

Free Ride Special: All rides free 11 a.m.-noon

Musical Entertainment: Tony Howard’s Motown Review – 7 p.m.

Sunday, November 4
Hours: 1 – 11 p.m.

Admission: $7; $2 off with church bulletin

Unlimited Rides: $20

Musical Entertainment: Little Roy and Lizzie, 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Monday, November 5
Hours: 5 – 11 p.m.

Admission: $7

Unlimited Rides: $20

Demolition Derby: 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, November 6
Hours: 4 – 11 p.m.

Admission: $7 or free admission with 8 cans for the food bank

Unlimited Rides: $15 if purchased 4-4:30 p.m.; $20 after 4:30 p.m.

Musical Entertainment: Dayz to Come – 7 p.m.

Wednesday, November 7
Hours: 5 – 11 p.m.

Admission: $7

Unlimited Rides: $20

Musical Entertainment: Mr. Haney

UGA Georgettes Dance Team: 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, November 8
Hours: 5 – 11 p.m.

Admission: $7

Unlimited Rides: $20

Musical Entertainment: Bethany & the Southside Boys – 7 p.m.

Friday, November 9
Hours: 5 p.m. – midnight

Admission: $7

Unlimited Rides: $20 from 9 p.m.-midnight

Demolition Derby: 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 10
Hours: 11 a.m. – midnight

Admission: $7

Free Ride Special: All rides free 11 a.m.-noon

Unlimited Rides: Buy unlimited ride pass between 11 a.m.-3 p.m. for $30 and use it all day

Musical Entertainment: Mayhem on a Monday

Chainsaw Carving Auction: 9 p.m. 

Sunday, November 11
Hours: 1-11 p.m.

Admission: $7

Unlimited Rides: $20

Military Appreciation Night: $4 admission with military ID

Beatles Vs. Stones


beatles vs stonesThe boys next door take on the bad boys of rock in a musical showdown for stage superiority.

The debate between the Beatles and the Rolling Stones has raged ever since the two groups first crossed paths on the charts 54 years ago. Back in the day, the Beatles were regarded as the mop-topped boys next door while the Stones were the bad boys of rock. Pop versus rock. 

To settle which band reigns supreme once and for all, maybe, two tribute bands – Abbey Road and Satisfaction – will put on a musical showdown.

“Music fans never had a chance to see the Beatles and the Rolling Stones perform on the same marquee,” says Chris Legrand, who plays Mick Jagger. “Now, music aficionados can watch this debate play out on stage.”

The show, which has been touring since 2011, is part of a 110-stop tour of the United States, Australia and Canada. The production includes some of the more popular songs from the two rock pioneers and covers the scope of their musical careers. However, the set list for Satisfaction usually includes Rolling Stones songs up to the 1980s. 

“They certainly have more pop songs, but we’re a really great live show. The fans are in for an incredible night of music,” says LeGrand.

During the two-hour show, the bands perform three sets each, ending the night with an all-out encore involving both bands. There’s a lot of good-natured jabbing between the bands as well.

“Without Beatlemania, the Stones might still be a cover band in London,” said Chris Overall, who plays Paul. “There’s no question that the Beatles set the standard. It’s just a fun time and a cool back-and-forth, nonstop show.” 

Legrand agrees. “We’re going to bring it all,” he says. “It’s going to be an evening of high-energy music.”

If You Go:
What: Beatles Vs. Stones, a Musical Showdown

When: 7:30 p.m. Saturday, November 10

Where: Imperial Theatre

How Much: $25 – $65

More Info: (706) 722-8341 or imperialtheatre.com

Works of Art


ChalkArtist2Artisans and entertainers take center stage at Art in the Park Fall Fest 
Creativity will be on display Saturday, October 20, at the 15th annual Arts in the Park Fall Fest, where artisans and entertainers in the area will showcase their talents. 

“From visual to performing arts, anything is fair game for Columbia County’s own fine arts festival,” says Regina Brejda, Columbia County Arts Inc. president.

The festival will feature a variety of performers including Columbia County Ballet and Musical Theatre Workshops. Fall Fest had 64 vendors from a variety of mediums last year, and event organizers are hoping to have even more artists at this year’s festival. 

“Along with music and dance, you’ll see everything from pottery, paintings and wood carvings to handmade brooms, jewelry and soaps,” Brejda says. “It’s a day of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art.” 

The popular sidewalk chalk contest will be part of the festivities again this year as well. Local elementary, middle and high schools can enter a team for a chance to win money to support their schools’ visual arts department. The individual portion of the competition begins at 10 a.m. Participants can register at the main Columbia County arts booth. Registration is $20. Categories will be divided into age brackets, and prizes will be awarded for first and second places. An overall best of show winner will be named as well. 

If You Go:
What: Art in the Park Fall Fest 

When: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday, October 20

Where: Columbia County Library Amphitheater

How Much: Free admission; food and beverage vendors on site

More Info: columbiacountyarts.org; columbiacountyarts@gmail.com; Regina Brejda, (706) 267-6724

Cut from the Same Cloth

Enopion Theatre Company photos courtesy of Carol Rezzelle Storyland Theatre photos courtesy of Branch Carter

Enopion Theatre Company photos courtesy of Carol Rezzelle
Storyland Theatre photos courtesy of Branch Carter

The skills of local costume designers are bursting at the seams. 

Most of us, who are so inclined, only have to come up with a costume once a year for Halloween. The costume designers at local theater companies, however, create frightfully fabulous costumes all year long. After all, they have learned the tricks of the trade to treat audiences to their otherworldly talents and creativity.

Passionate & Professional
For almost two decades, Margie Garner has made the costumes for Enopion Theatre Company, which puts on three biblical shows a year.

“Margie and I have been working together for about 30 years through church drama and then the last 20 years with Enopion,” says Carol Rezzelle, the Enopion founder and director. “She is passionate about her work and makes our productions beautiful to watch. She sews the costumes, fits them to the actor and then attends every performance making sure the costumes are pressed and on the actor correctly. I couldn’t imagine Enopion without her.”

Margie used to do all of the work herself until Mary Rhoden started helping her with the last production. It takes Margie about six to eight hours to make a costume from scratch. Since she works fulltime at a medical billing company, she sews at night and on weekends.

Fortunately, however, she can repurpose or alter some costumes. “I put them all together one way or another,” says Margie, a self-taught seamstress who started sewing when she was 9 years old. 

Storyland-The-Nightingale(Photo-credit-Branch-Carter)In Enopion’s early years, Margie made 30 or 40 costumes per show. Now that the theater company has amassed an inventory of costumes, she makes 10 to 15 for each production.

“I usually spend as much time on the costumes as the actors do memorizing their lines,” Margie says.

Since 2011, Ooollee Brickman, who owns Vintage Ooollee in Augusta, has designed and sewn the costumes for Storyland Theatre. This theater company performs three fairy tale-based shows a year, and its mission is to introduce children to theater and encourage them to support the arts into adulthood.

“Ooollee is a dynamic, professional and competent woman,” says Barbara Feldman, executive director of Storyland Theatre. “Since Storyland Theatre performs for children, I have always been careful to use different costumes for each show, not repeating a costume for several years because children pay attention and remember everything they see. Ooollee is not only a source to us. Without her, many theaters in our community would be unable to costume their actors.”

Storyland-Sleeping-Beauty(Ooollee-red-hair)Photo-credit-Branch-CarterOoollee makes three or four costumes for Storyland a year, and she also does costumes for local high school theater departments and other small theater groups.

“I love working with Storyland,” says Ooollee. “Barbara introduces children to theater for the first time. I have met people who are actors today because they got their first exposure to theater at Storyland. I think that’s a beautiful thing that happens in this community.”

Ideas & Inspiration
To get ideas for costumes, Margie relies on the Internet and YouTube to research costumes and how to make certain things. In addition, she says, “Carol pulls pictures that she wants things to look like, and we go from there.”

Sometimes Enopion rents costumes, particularly ones that won’t be used again and again, and Margie alters them if necessary. However, she welcomes every challenge for each production. For Enopion’s upcoming show, “The Nativity,” for instance, she needs to make brand new animal costumes for a lion, a duck and a lamb.

For inspiration, Ooollee says, “We meet with the director to get an idea of their vision and look to see what patterns we can find. You’re only limited by your imagination. I have a bunch of creative people that work with me.”

Storyland-Rumpelstiltskin(Photo-credit-Branch-Carter)They include her main seamstress, Kathy Gillespie, who had a costume business in California for 35 years.

“I like the creative process,” says Kathy, who learned to sew when she was 8 years old by making doll clothes. “You can create your own look. I have a good knack for seeing the whole scene.”

She reads the scripts, makes a spreadsheet about every scene and creates a costume plot for each cast member and the characters they play. Then she takes measurements, does fittings and makes alterations.

“It’s a huge process,” Kathy says of making a costume. “I build it or find it or alter it. I’m a perfectionist. It takes a long time to get everybody’s hems right and work around their schedules.”

Kathy, who made her own clothes and Halloween costumes, of course, when she was growing up, delved deeper into costuming when her daughter became interested in theater in high school. Her daughter got involved with Augusta Players when she moved to the area 20 years ago, and Kathy has made some costumes for Augusta Players and Junior Players as well. 

“I enjoy the creative process, which I work on alone,” she says. “But I also enjoy the people I work with – the adults, the kids, the actors. I enjoy being part of that creative team.”

Personality & Performance
Margie tries to factor the personalities of the actors into their costumes. “Some will tolerate being flamboyant, but others won’t,” she says. “I have to take the characters into consideration, also. I try to put something in the costumes that the actors really, really like so they know that it’s their costume and not one I just pulled off the rack.”

That something extra might be as simple as a belt or using the actor’s favorite color. 

Fabrics also make a costume come alive. “Adding trim,” says Ooollee, “just changes everything.” 

For the biblical costumes, Margie often has to make them “plain and rough looking.” 

“I paint the costumes, dirty them up or dye them to make them look old,” she says. 

Ooollee takes the characters’ personalities into consideration when designing costumes. “Some might have a big personality or a demure personality, so you need to change the style,” she says.

However, Ooollee, who started sewing in high school, says the biggest challenge in costume making is having enough time to do it correctly. “It takes time to sew if you want to do it right,” she says. 

And the costumes need to stay just right, so the designers must always be ready for the inevitable wardrobe malfunction.

Margie keeps a bag of pins, tapes and clips handy. In addition, she says, “I usually have a sewing machine in my car, or I at least have a sewing kit with me.”

One of the biggest challenges is getting all of the actors ready on time so they can relax and get in character. However, says Margie, “I never calm down until the show is over.”

Ooollee says the dreaded wardrobe malfunction typically occurs during a quick change. However, she goes to all of Storyland’s dress rehearsals and productions to be on hand to solve any problem. “I take a sewing kit with me,” she says. “That’s what a dress rehearsal is for – to make sure everything works right.” 

Margie not only makes costumes for the performers. She also sewed all of the draperies for Enopion’s new performing space, Ivory Box Theatre, that recently opened in Martinez. 

“I like it all. I love doing the costumes. I love working backstage. I love all the excitement and camaraderie,” Margie says. “It’s a good, family atmosphere.”

And the clothes definitely can make the character. 

“I love to dress up in costume. You can put on a different face and a different outfit, and you can let your hair down,” Ooollee says. “You can put on a costume and become a completely different person.”

By Sarah James


Have a Big Time


ModelThe Oliver Hardy Festival celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.
Harlem once again will honor its native son with its annual Oliver Hardy Festival. For three decades Hardy, along with Englishman Stan Laurel, was one-half of Hollywood’s famous comedy duo of Laurel & Hardy. 

“Oliver Hardy was born here, and the festival keeps his memory alive,” says Kennedy Sammons, Harlem’s Downtown Development director.

The event will include almost 150 arts and crafts vendors, about 30 food vendors, look alikes dressed as Stan and Ollie, old cars, a parade and all-day viewings of Laurel & Hardy movies. A stage at the Harlem Library will offer entertainment throughout the day by performers such as The Remedy, Tanner Duckworth and Augusta Youth School of Dance.

Food will range from pulled pork, hamburgers, hot dogs and cheese steaks to funnel cakes, fried Oreos, gelato and shaved ice.

“We want people to enjoy Harlem and come see what we have to offer. Most of our downtown merchants will be open during the festival,” Sammons says. “Harlem has the only historical downtown in Columbia County.”

The festival typically attracts more than 35,000 visitors from around the world.

If You Go:
What: Oliver Hardy Festival

When: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, October 6; parade begins at 10 a.m.

Where: Downtown Harlem

How Much: Free admission 

More Info: harlemga.org

Aw, Shucks!


bash-picCentral Savannah River Land Trust celebrates success with its annual oyster roast and party at the river

Perfect fall evenings beg for perfect fall celebrations, and it will be hard to beat Central Savannah River Land Trust’s 15th annual Bash on the Banks. 

The popular event once again will feature an oyster roast with oysters from the Gulf of Mexico, classic Southern food catered by Sweet Magnolia’s Deli and Grille in Pelion, South Carolina, and local spirits from River Watch Brewery in Augusta and Carolina Moon Distillery in Edgefield.

Entertainment will include corn hole, a live auction, a raffle, live music by blues band Packrat’s Smokehouse, and new this year, a cigar bar.

Raffle items include a 12-foot angler’s kayak, passes to the National Wild Turkey Federation’s Palmetto Shooting Complex, a wood bowl turned by Dave Welter and gift packages from local boutiques. 

The auction will include experience-based items such as fly fishing lessons, a fly fishing trip and rounds of golf at area courses. In one of the highlights of the evening, local artist Richard Worth will paint a nature scene during the party, and the acrylic will be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

“We are celebrating everyone’s combined efforts of conservation success and the generous community support,” says Bethany Surles, the Land Trust membership and events coordinator. “This is our way to celebrate with the community. We couldn’t succeed without them.” 

The Land Trust is funded entirely by grants and donations. By preserving local forests, farms, rivers and open spaces, the nonprofit organization protects the quality of life in the area and leaves natural resources intact for future generations. Since 2001, the Land Trust has protected more than 7,300 acres of land throughout Georgia and South Carolina.

Preserved areas include 315 acres in Columbia County, 1,761 in Richmond County and 773 acres in Aiken and Edgefield counties such as Greystone Preserve in North Augusta. Through partnerships with local developers, the Land Trust has saved more than 2.5 miles of the banks of the Savannah River along the edge of Columbia County. The conservation organization has preserved land in several Columbia County neighborhoods as well. 

“It’s our desire to connect conservation properties throughout Columbia County. With both green spaces and the greenway project, we are focused on this high density and developed area,” says Surles. “For any remaining landowners who are interested in still preserving their land, we would love for them to reach out to us.”

In the meantime, however, past accomplishments must be celebrated. “We are really elevating the experience this year,” Surles says. “It’s going to be a great event. We’re really excited.” 

If You Go:
What: 15th annual Bash on the Banks 

When: 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Thursday, October 25 

Where: River Island Clubhouse 

How Much: $75 admission; $20 drinks (three alcoholic beverages, unlimited soft drinks), $5 single drink; $20 raffle tickets

More Info: csrlt.org

Fair Play


fair-1-main-photoGet ready for a whirlwind of entertainment as the 51st Columbia County Fair kicks off November 3 for ten days of pulse-pounding midway rides, outlandish stunt shows and wacky fair food. 

This year’s lineup includes returning favorites such as the Sea Lion Splash, Galaxy Girl Aerial Motorcycle Stunt Show, demolition derbies and petting zoo.

New attractions include Chase’s Racing Pigs, Farmily Feud Agricultural Game Show and sanctioned bull riding with the top 25 bull riders in the Southeast.

The Merchants Association of Columbia County, a non-profit organization of local business volunteers, presents the fair each year at its fairgrounds on Columbia Road across from Patriots Park. Special amenities include free parking with security, free golf cart shuttles, free nightly entertainment and free admission for kids 3 and under.

fair-carousel-horseProceeds from the fair benefit many local charities and provide scholarships to seniors from each Columbia County public high school. For more information, visit columbiacountyfair.net.

2016 Fair Schedule:

Thursday, November 3
Hours: 4-11 p.m.
Admission: $7; free admission 4-5 p.m.
Unlimited Ride Special: $15
FFA Judging: 6 p.m.
Musical Entertainment: Donna Jo
Bull Riding: 7:30 p.m. 

Friday, November 4
Hours: 5 p.m. – midnight
Admission: $7
Unlimited Ride Special: $20 from 9:30 p.m.-midnight
Musical Entertainment: Tony Howard Motown Review
Bull Riding: 7:30 p.m. 

Saturday, November 5
Hours: Noon – midnight
Admission Special: $7
Kids’ Day Special: Kids ride free noon – 1 p.m.
Musical Entertainment: Will McCranie Trio 

Sunday, November 6
Hours: 1 – 11 p.m.
Admission Special: $7; $1 off with church bulletin
Unlimited Ride Special: $20
Musical Entertainment: Little Roy and Lizzie, 5-7 p.m. 

Monday, November 7
Hours: 5 – 11 p.m.
Admission: $7
Unlimited Ride Special: $20
Musical Entertainment: Brandon Shane Reeves
Demolition Derby: 7:30 p.m. 

Tuesday, November 8
Hours: 5 – 11 p.m.
Admission: $7 or free admission with 5 non-perishable items per person for the food bank
Unlimited Ride Special: $18
Apollo Talent Night: Ages 1-12 

Wednesday, November 9
Hours: 5 – 11 p.m.
Admission: $7
Unlimited Ride Special: $20
Musical Entertainment: Ippie Music
UGA Georgettes Dance Team: 6 p.m.
Student Appreciation Night 

Thursday, November 10
Hours: 5 – 11 p.m.
Admission: $7
Senior Night: $3 admission for adults 55 and older with ID card
Military Appreciation Night: $3 admission with military ID
Unlimited Ride Special: $20
Apollo Talent Night: Ages 13 and up 

Friday, November 11
Hours: 5 p.m. – midnight
Admission: $7
Musical Entertainment: Tim Cardiere
Demolition Derby: 7:30 p.m. 

fair-chainsaw-artistSaturday, November 12
Hours: Noon – midnight
Admission: $7
Kids’ Day Special: Kids ride free noon – 1 p.m.
Unlimited Ride Special: Buy unlimited ride stamp between noon-3 p.m. for $25 and come back later
Musical Entertainment: The BTUs
Chainsaw Carving Auction: 9 p.m. 

Sunday, November 13
Hours: 1-11 p.m.
Admission: $5
Unlimited Ride Special: $20

Show Time


annie-moses-bandIt’s not the same old song and dance with the variety of shows that Augusta Amusements is bringing to the area for the holidays.

On Monday, November 14 at 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., the Annie Moses Band pays tribute to the most treasured love songs of the last century in “The Art of the Love Song.” The epitome of old-school elegance, the band — which scores an impressive double chart entry on Amazon’s Classics chart and Billboard’s Classics/Crossover chart — performs music that is reminiscent of the Great American Songbook of the 1940s and 1950s and borrows from artists of the ’60s and ’70s such as Don McLean, Paul Williams and John Lennon.

The concert is a memorable collection of some of the greatest love songs written, including “Evergreen,” “And I Love You So,” “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face,” “And I Love Her,” among many others.  The band’s corresponding 60-minute PBS Special has been airing on PBS stations across the country since early 2016. Tickets are $39 for the matinee and $49 for the evening performance.

The holiday season kicks off with “A Very Electric Christmas” by Lightwire Theater on Thursday, December 1. Performed in complete darkness, the show tells the story of a young bird named Max who tries to get home for Christmas after being separated from his parents while flying South for the winter.

The storyline features Nutcracker soldiers with candy canes, naughty rats, an electric Christmas tree surrounded by presents, glow worms, dancing flowers and other creatures that light up the stage. Audiences of all ages will enjoy timeless Christmas songs from Nat King Cole, Tchaikovsky, Mariah Carey and others. Shows start at 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $28.50 for adults and $14.50 for children under age 12.

“Merry Christmas Darling: Carpenters’ Christmas,” starring Michelle Berting Brett, celebrates the biggest hits of one of the most successful recording duos of all time. The performance, a natural offshoot of the “We’ve Only Just Begun: Carpenters Remembered” show, features a full complement of Karen and Richard Carpenter’s classic repertoire.

Brett takes center stage accompanied by her 7-piece Nashville band and performs songs like “Close to You,” Yesterday Once More” and “We’ve only Just Begun” along with holiday favorites. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, December 8. Tickets are $39.50.

All performances will take place at Jabez S. Harden Performing Arts Center. For more information, call (706) 726-0366 or visit augustaamusements.com.

Rockin’ the Country


big-richThere’s nothing shy about Big Kenny and John Rich. If you’ve ever been to one of their hard-hitting concerts you know what we mean. If that fortune has escaped you, here’s your Big — and Rich — break. The high-energy country music duo is bringing the party to Evans Towne Center Park on Friday, November 4. 

Along with a set list that includes crowd favorites such as their first No. 1 hit, “Lost in This Moment,” the duo will perform their most recent hits from Gravity, including “Look at You” and “Lovin’ Lately.” With any luck fans will also hear a tribute to our military with “8th of November,” a patriotic crowd singalong of “God Bless America” and a blistering version of “Rollin’ (The Ballad of Big & Rich)” before leaving the park.

Cowboy Troy will join the duo onstage for several songs that featured him, including “I Play Chicken With a Train” and — don’t you know it — “Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy).” DJ Sinister, who has the #1 Internationally Syndicated Country Remix program on radio, and hometown Southern rocker Eric Lee Beddingfield join the party and put the icing on the cake. 

For tickets or more information, visit gamedayladya.com.

This Land is Your Land


oyster-roast-1Come sing the successes of the Central Savannah River Land Trust at its annual Bash on the Banks of the Savannah River

Everyone should enjoy the natural resources in the area, but the Central Savannah River Land Trust is showing its appreciation for those who support its conservation efforts as well.

The Land Trust will hold its 13th annual Bash on the Banks of the Savannah River at the River Island Clubhouse on Thursday, October 27. About 250 people have attended the event, which is open to people age 21 and older, in the last several years.

oyster-roast-2“It’s an opportunity for us to celebrate the projects that we have done in 2016 and share our plans for 2017,” says Veronique Marchal, the Land Trust director of communications.

The menu will include Southern barbecue and an oyster roast, and a cash bar will be available. The Unmentionables will entertain the party-goers with live music. The event also will include a raffle and a live auction. Raffle items range from a kayak and Belgian chocolate to a day at the National Wild Turkey Federation and an activity at Sharpe Shooters. Local artist Richard Worth will paint a nature scene during the first part of the evening, and the watercolor will be auctioned off at the event.

oyster-roast-4“He will be painting along the banks of the Savannah River,” says Marchal. “People can bid on the painting, and the winner can take home a little bit of the river.”

Funded entirely by donations and grants, the Land Trust focuses its efforts on protecting large areas of natural habitat, the major sources of our drinking water, larger forests that purify the air and grand vistas that offer scenic views.

Since 2001, the Land Trust has protected almost 6,000 acres of land in Columbia, Richmond and McDuffie counties in Georgia and Aiken, Edgefield and Barnwell counties in South Carolina. The organization’s reach extends as far upstream as Hart County and as far south as Statesboro.

The Land Trust has worked with local governments as well as individual neighborhoods and communities to preserve areas for public recreation and for residents’ recreation in neighborhoods such as River Island. The Land Trust also has joined forces with private landowners, farmers and ranchers to preserve natural resources in the area. 

oyster-roast-3Currently, the Land Trust is working on projects such as the CSRA Regional Greenway Program, Greystone Preserve, a neighborhood conservation initiative and farmland conservation in upper Columbia County and Clarks Hill Lake. 

The Greenway Program will connect more than 70 miles of multi-use trails in Columbia, Richmond and Aiken counties. The project encompasses Euchee Creek Greenway, Savannah Rapids Pavilion and the Augusta Canal Trail in Columbia County, and the trails will connect to downtown Augusta, south Augusta, Fort Gordon and North Augusta, South Carolina. The Greystone Preserve project includes the construction of a new outdoor educational campus on the preserve, which has more than 260 acres of running or hiking nature trails, in North Augusta.

Through the neighborhood conservation initiative, the Land Trust is working with Columbia County neighborhoods such as Farmington, Sumter Landing and River Island to preserve greenspace. So far, more than 300 acres have been preserved in and around Columbia County neighborhoods. As part of its farmland conservation efforts, the Land Trust has preserved 2,300-plus acres of farms in and around Columbia County and Clarks Hill Lake.

If You Go:

What: Bash on the Banks on the Savannah River 

When: 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Thursday, October 27 for ages 21 and older

Where: River Island Clubhouse

How Much: $50 per person; cash bar available 

More Info: csrlt.org

State of the Arts


art-after-darkCommunity members can brush up on the talents of local artists at the annual Art After Dark exhibition

Columbia County and the surrounding area are full of talented people, and the skills of some of the most gifted local artists will be on display at Art After Dark. The signature event of the Artists’ Guild of Columbia County, the annual affair will feature an evening of art and entertainment. Guests will have the opportunity to purchase art in mediums such as watercolors, oils, acrylics, photography, pottery, fiber arts, jewelry and mixed media. They can participate in the silent auction as well.

art-after-dark3“The money raised from the art auction goes toward a $1,000 scholarship for a high school senior who is going to study art at Augusta University,” says Jane Waldrop, the Artists’ Guild treasurer.

“We’re trying to promote the knowledge of art that we have in Columbia County,” says Waldrop. “People don’t have to go out of town to buy good art.” 

The Artists’ Guild offers classes to all ages ranging from children and teenagers to adults and seniors. Next year the organization plans to start a program in which artists will demonstrate their skills at some of the area facilities for senior citizens.

The Artists’ Guild is a group of professional and amateur artists and patrons of the visual arts. The organization provides opportunities for artists to exchange creative ideas and business information, to show and sell their work, and to increase their knowledge through workshops. Membership is open to anyone age 17 or older who resides in the Central Savannah River Area.

Art After DarkIf You Go:

What: Art After Dark

When: 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Saturday, October 29

Where: Jabez S. Hardin Performing Arts Center

How Much: Free; cash bar available

More Info: artistguildcc.org

Toe to Toe

Alice in Wonderland

The Portrait Gallery

Columbia County Ballet presents an original production of “Alice” to celebrate Imperial Theatre’s 100th anniversary.

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there,” Lewis Carroll wrote in Alice in Wonderland. However, fans of the classic novel should head straight to Imperial Theatre Friday, September 16 for Columbia County Ballet’s production of “Alice.”

Michael Viator, Columbia County Ballet alumnus and resident choreographer, has created a fanciful adventure in Wonderland with his original production of “Alice.” This full-length creation is will be performed in honor of the theater’s coming 100th anniversary. With vibrant colors and powerful music score, the Mad Hatter kicks off the fun with his frolicking party and bizarre friends.

Because the performance coincides with Arts in the Heart, parking passes for the lot at Eighth and Reynolds streets behind the theater will be available for $5 per vehicle.

As a prelude to the main attraction, a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party (A Very Merry Unbirthday) will be held 3-4:30 p.m. Sunday, September 11 at Imperial Theatre. This complimentary family event, a preview drop-in for Viator’s premiere of “Alice,” will feature footage of the creation of this original, full-length story ballet. The preview includes a character meet-and-greet, cash bar, hors d’oeuvres and live music. Younger attendees are encouraged to dress in Alice-themed costumes.

If You Go:

What: “Alice”

When: 7 p.m. Friday, September 16

Where: Imperial Theatre

How Much: $12-$38; parking pass $5

More Info: (706) 860-1852 or imperialtheatre.com

Strings Attached


Loren-and-MarkAugusta Amusements opens its 2016-17 season with guitarists Loren Barrigar and Mark Mazengarb on Friday, September 23. Displaying outstanding musical chemistry and a varied repertoire of original and arranged music, the international guitar duo entertains audiences with their guitar duets and vocal harmonies.

Influenced by jazz, bluegrass, western and popular music, the duo builds its guitar style on the thumb-picking techniques pioneered by guitar greats Merle Travis, Chet Atkins and Jerry Reed. Loren and Mark’s live performances feature guitar skills as well as musicality and the ability to be creative spontaneously. The interaction between the two musicians, who have toured extensively in the United States and in Europe, is as much a part of their show as their world-class guitar playing. 

If You Go:

What: Loren and Mark, international guitar duo

When: 7:30 p.m. Friday, September 23

Where: Jabez S. Hardin Performing Arts Center 

How Much: $35 

More Info: augustaamusements.com or (706) 726-0366